/*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Stefan Goessner - 2017-22. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ 'use strict'; function escapeHTML(text) { return text .replace(/&/g, "&") .replace(//g, ">") .replace(/"/g, """) .replace(/'/g, "'"); } function texmath(md, options) { const delimiters = texmath.mergeDelimiters(options && options.delimiters); const outerSpace = options && options.outerSpace || false; // inline rules, effectively `dollars` require surrounding spaces, i.e ` $\psi$ `, to be accepted as inline formulas. This is primarily a guard against misinterpreting single `$`'s in normal markdown text (relevant for inline math only. Default: `false`, for backwards compatibility). const katexOptions = options && options.katexOptions || {}; katexOptions.throwOnError = katexOptions.throwOnError || false; katexOptions.macros = katexOptions.macros || options && options.macros; // ensure backwards compatibility if (!texmath.katex) { // else ... deprecated `use` method was used ... if (options && typeof options.engine === 'object') { texmath.katex = options.engine; } else if (typeof module === "object") texmath.katex = require('katex'); else // artifical error object. texmath.katex = { renderToString() { return 'No math renderer found.' } }; } // inject inline rules to markdown-it for (const rule of delimiters.inline) { if (!!outerSpace && 'outerSpace' in rule) rule.outerSpace = true; md.inline.ruler.before('escape', rule.name, texmath.inline(rule)); // ! important md.renderer.rules[rule.name] = (tokens, idx) => rule.tmpl.replace(/\$1/,texmath.render(tokens[idx].content,!!rule.displayMode,katexOptions)); } // inject block rules to markdown-it for (const rule of delimiters.block) { md.block.ruler.before('fence', rule.name, texmath.block(rule)); // ! important for ```math delimiters md.renderer.rules[rule.name] = (tokens, idx) => rule.tmpl.replace(/\$2/,escapeHTML(tokens[idx].info)) // equation number .. ? .replace(/\$1/,texmath.render(tokens[idx].content,true,katexOptions)); } } texmath.mergeDelimiters = function(delims) { const delimsArr = Array.isArray(delims) ? delims : typeof delims === "string" ? [delims] : ['dollars']; const delimiters = { inline:[], block:[]}; // target of merge process ... for (const delim of delimsArr) // merge them into delimiters ... if (delim in texmath.rules) { delimiters.inline.push(...texmath.rules[delim].inline); delimiters.block.push(...texmath.rules[delim].block); } return delimiters; } // texmath.inline = (rule) => dollar; // just for debugging/testing .. texmath.inline = (rule) => function(state, silent) { const pos = state.pos; const str = state.src; const pre = str.startsWith(rule.tag, rule.rex.lastIndex = pos) && (!rule.pre || rule.pre(str, rule.outerSpace, pos)); // valid pre-condition ... const match = pre && rule.rex.exec(str); const res = !!match && pos < rule.rex.lastIndex && (!rule.post || rule.post(str, rule.outerSpace, rule.rex.lastIndex - 1)); if (res) { if (!silent) { const token = state.push(rule.name, 'math', 0); token.content = match[1]; token.markup = rule.tag; } state.pos = rule.rex.lastIndex; } return res; } texmath.block = (rule) => function block(state, begLine, endLine, silent) { const pos = state.bMarks[begLine] + state.tShift[begLine]; const str = state.src; const pre = str.startsWith(rule.tag, rule.rex.lastIndex = pos) && (!rule.pre || rule.pre(str, false, pos)); // valid pre-condition .... const match = pre && rule.rex.exec(str); const res = !!match && pos < rule.rex.lastIndex && (!rule.post || rule.post(str, false, rule.rex.lastIndex - 1)); if (res && !silent) { // match and valid post-condition ... const endpos = rule.rex.lastIndex - 1; let curline; for (curline = begLine; curline < endLine; curline++) if (endpos >= state.bMarks[curline] + state.tShift[curline] && endpos <= state.eMarks[curline]) // line for end of block math found ... break; // "this will prevent lazy continuations from ever going past our end marker" // s. https://github.com/markdown-it/markdown-it-container/blob/master/index.js const lineMax = state.lineMax; const parentType = state.parentType; state.lineMax = curline; state.parentType = 'math'; if (parentType === 'blockquote') // remove all leading '>' inside multiline formula match[1] = match[1].replace(/(\n*?^(?:\s*>)+)/gm,''); // begin token let token = state.push(rule.name, 'math', 0); // 'math_block' token.block = true; token.tag = rule.tag; token.markup = ''; token.content = match[1]; token.info = match[match.length-1]; // eq.no token.map = [ begLine, curline+1 ]; // token.hidden = true; // end token ... superfluous ... state.parentType = parentType; state.lineMax = lineMax; state.line = curline+1; } return res; } texmath.render = function(tex,displayMode,options) { options.displayMode = displayMode; let res; try { res = texmath.katex.renderToString(tex, options); } catch(err) { res = escapeHTML(`${tex}:${err.message}`) } return res; } // ! deprecated ... use options ! texmath.use = function(katex) { // math renderer used ... texmath.katex = katex; // ... katex solely at current ... return texmath; } /* function dollar(state, silent) { var start, max, marker, matchStart, matchEnd, token, pos = state.pos, ch = state.src.charCodeAt(pos); if (ch !== 0x24) { return false; } // $ start = pos; pos++; max = state.posMax; while (pos < max && state.src.charCodeAt(pos) === 0x24) { pos++; } marker = state.src.slice(start, pos); matchStart = matchEnd = pos; while ((matchStart = state.src.indexOf('$', matchEnd)) !== -1) { matchEnd = matchStart + 1; while (matchEnd < max && state.src.charCodeAt(matchEnd) === 0x24) { matchEnd++; } if (matchEnd - matchStart === marker.length) { if (!silent) { token = state.push('math_inline', 'math', 0); token.markup = marker; token.content = state.src.slice(pos, matchStart) .replace(/[ \n]+/g, ' ') .trim(); } state.pos = matchEnd; return true; } } if (!silent) { state.pending += marker; } state.pos += marker.length; return true; }; */ // used for enable/disable math rendering by `markdown-it` texmath.inlineRuleNames = ['math_inline','math_inline_double']; texmath.blockRuleNames = ['math_block','math_block_eqno']; texmath.$_pre = (str,outerSpace,beg) => { const prv = beg > 0 ? str[beg-1].charCodeAt(0) : false; return outerSpace ? !prv || prv === 0x20 // space (avoiding regex's for performance reasons) : !prv || prv !== 0x5c // no backslash, && (prv < 0x30 || prv > 0x39); // no decimal digit .. before opening '$' } texmath.$_post = (str,outerSpace,end) => { const nxt = str[end+1] && str[end+1].charCodeAt(0); return outerSpace ? !nxt || nxt === 0x20 // space (avoiding regex's for performance reasons) || nxt === 0x2e // '.' || nxt === 0x2c // ',' || nxt === 0x3b // ';' : !nxt || nxt < 0x30 || nxt > 0x39; // no decimal digit .. after closing '$' } texmath.rules = { brackets: { inline: [ { name: 'math_inline', rex: /\\\((.+?)\\\)/gy, tmpl: '$1', tag: '\\(' } ], block: [ { name: 'math_block_eqno', rex: /\\\[(((?!\\\]|\\\[)[\s\S])+?)\\\]\s*?\(([^)$\r\n]+?)\)/gmy, tmpl: '
', tag: '\\[' }, { name: 'math_block', rex: /\\\[([\s\S]+?)\\\]/gmy, tmpl: '
', tag: '\\[' } ] }, doxygen: { inline: [ { name: 'math_inline', rex: /\\f\$(.+?)\\f\$/gy, tmpl: '$1', tag: '\\f$' } ], block: [ { name: 'math_block_eqno', rex: /\\f\[([^]+?)\\f\]\s*?\(([^)\s]+?)\)/gmy, tmpl: '
', tag: '\\f[' }, { name: 'math_block', rex: /\\f\[([^]+?)\\f\]/gmy, tmpl: '
', tag: '\\f[' } ] }, gitlab: { inline: [ { name: 'math_inline', rex: /\$`(.+?)`\$/gy, tmpl: '$1', tag: '$`' } ], block: [ { name: 'math_block_eqno', rex: /`{3}math\s*([^`]+?)\s*?`{3}\s*\(([^)\r\n]+?)\)/gm, tmpl: '
', tag: '```math' }, { name: 'math_block', rex: /`{3}math\s*([^`]*?)\s*`{3}/gm, tmpl: '
', tag: '```math' } ] }, julia: { inline: [ { name: 'math_inline', rex: /`{2}([^`]+?)`{2}/gy, tmpl: '$1', tag: '``' }, { name: 'math_inline', rex: /\$((?:\S?)|(?:\S.*?\S))\$/gy, tmpl: '$1', tag: '$', spaceEnclosed: false, pre: texmath.$_pre, post: texmath.$_post, } ], block: [ { name: 'math_block_eqno', rex: /`{3}math\s+?([^`]+?)\s+?`{3}\s*?\(([^)$\r\n]+?)\)/gmy, tmpl: '
', tag: '```math' }, { name: 'math_block', rex: /`{3}math\s+?([^`]+?)\s+?`{3}/gmy, tmpl: '
', tag: '```math' } ] }, kramdown: { inline: [ { name: 'math_inline', rex: /\${2}(.+?)\${2}/gy, tmpl: '$1', tag: '$$' } ], block: [ { name: 'math_block_eqno', rex: /\${2}([^$]+?)\${2}\s*?\(([^)\s]+?)\)/gmy, tmpl: '
', tag: '$$' }, { name: 'math_block', rex: /\${2}([^$]+?)\${2}/gmy, tmpl: '
', tag: '$$' } ] }, beg_end: { inline: [], block: [ { name: "math_block", rex: /(\\(?:begin)\{([a-z]+)\}[\s\S]+?\\(?:end)\{\2\})/gmy, // regexp to match \begin{...}...\end{...} environment. tmpl: "
", tag: "\\" } ] }, dollars: { inline: [ { name: 'math_inline_double', rex: /\${2}([^$]*?[^\\])\${2}/gy, tmpl: '
', tag: '$$', displayMode: true, pre: texmath.$_pre, post: texmath.$_post }, { name: 'math_inline', rex: /\$((?:[^\s\\])|(?:\S.*?[^\s\\]))\$/gy, tmpl: '$1', tag: '$', outerSpace: false, pre: texmath.$_pre, post: texmath.$_post } ], block: [ { name: 'math_block_eqno', rex: /\${2}([^$]*?[^\\])\${2}\s*?\(([^)\s]+?)\)/gmy, tmpl: '
', tag: '$$' }, { name: 'math_block', rex: /\${2}([^$]*?[^\\])\${2}/gmy, tmpl: '
', tag: '$$' } ] } }; if (typeof module === "object" && module.exports) module.exports = texmath;