msgid "" msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" msgid "DiskMan" msgstr "DiskMan 硬碟管理" msgid "Manage Disks over LuCI." msgstr "通过 LuCI 管理硬碟" msgid "Rescan Disks" msgstr "重新掃描硬碟" msgid "Disks" msgstr "硬碟" msgid "Path" msgstr "路徑" msgid "Serial Number" msgstr "序列號" msgid "Temp" msgstr "溫度" msgid "Partition Table" msgstr "分割區表" msgid "SATA Version" msgstr "SATA 版本" msgid "Health" msgstr "健康" msgid "File System" msgstr "文件系統" msgid "Mount Options" msgstr "掛載選項" msgid "Mount" msgstr "掛載" msgid "Umount" msgstr "卸載" msgid "Eject" msgstr "彈出" msgid "New" msgstr "新建" msgid "Remove" msgstr "移除" msgid "Format" msgstr "格式化" msgid "Start Sector" msgstr "起始磁區" msgid "End Sector" msgstr "結束磁區" msgid "Usage" msgstr "用量" msgid "Used" msgstr "已使用" msgid "Free Space" msgstr "空閒空間" msgid "Model" msgstr "型號" msgid "Size" msgstr "容量" msgid "Status" msgstr "狀態" msgid "Mount Point" msgstr "掛載點" msgid "Sector Size" msgstr "磁區/物理磁區大小" msgid "Rotation Rate" msgstr "轉速" msgid "RAID Devices" msgstr "RAID 裝置" msgid "RAID mode" msgstr "RAID 模式" msgid "Members" msgstr "成員" msgid "Active" msgstr "活躍" msgid "RAID Creation" msgstr "RAID 創建" msgid "Raid Name" msgstr "RAID 名稱" msgid "Raid Level" msgstr "RAID 等級" msgid "Raid Member" msgstr "硬碟陣列成員" msgid "Create Raid" msgstr "創建 RAID" msgid "Partition Management" msgstr "分割區管理" msgid "Partition Disk over LuCI." msgstr "通過 LuCI 分割硬碟。" msgid "Device Info" msgstr "裝置信息" msgid "Disk Man" msgstr "硬碟管理" msgid "Partitions Info" msgstr "分割區信息" msgid "Default 2048 sector alignment, support +size{b,k,m,g,t} in End Sector" msgstr "默認 2048 磁區對齊,【結束磁區】支持 +容量{b,k,m,g,t} 格式,例:+500m +10g +1t" msgid "Multiple Devices Btrfs Creation" msgstr "Btrfs 陣列創建" msgid "Label" msgstr "卷標" msgid "Btrfs Label" msgstr "Btrfs 卷標" msgid "Btrfs Raid Level" msgstr "Btrfs Raid 等級" msgid "Btrfs Member" msgstr "Btrfs 陣列成員" msgid "Create Btrfs" msgstr "創建 Btrfs" msgid "New Snapshot" msgstr "新建快照" msgid "SubVolumes" msgstr "子卷" msgid "Top Level" msgstr "父 ID" msgid "Manage Btrfs" msgstr "Btrfs 管理" msgid "Otime" msgstr "創建時間" msgid "Snapshots" msgstr "快照" msgid "Set Default" msgstr "默認子卷" msgid "Source Path" msgstr "源目錄" msgid "Readonly" msgstr "只讀" msgid "Delete" msgstr "刪除" msgid "Create" msgstr "創建" msgid "Destination Path (optional)" msgstr "目標目錄(可選)" msgid "Metadata" msgstr "元數據" msgid "Data" msgstr "數據" msgid "Btrfs Info" msgstr "Btrfs 信息" msgid "The source path for create the snapshot" msgstr "創建快照的源數據目錄" msgid "The path where you want to store the snapshot" msgstr "存放快照的數據目錄" msgid "Please input Source Path of snapshot, Source Path must start with '/'" msgstr "請輸入快照源路径,源路径必須以'/'開頭" msgid "Please input Subvolume Path, Subvolume must start with '/'" msgstr "請輸入子卷路径,子卷路径必須以'/'開頭" msgid "is in use! please unmount it first!" msgstr "正在被使用!請先卸載!" msgid "Partition NOT found!" msgstr "分割區未找到!" msgid "Filesystem NOT support!" msgstr "文件系統不支持!" msgid "Invalid Start Sector!" msgstr "無效的起始磁區!" msgid "Invalid End Sector" msgstr "無效的結束磁區!" msgid "Partition not exists!" msgstr "分割區不存在!" msgid "Creation" msgstr "創建" msgid "Please select file system!" msgstr "請選擇文件系統!" msgid "Format partation:" msgstr "格式化分割區:" msgid "Warnning !! \nTHIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING PARTITIONS!! \nModify the partition table?" msgstr "警告!!\n此操作会覆蓋現有分割區\n確定修改分割區表?"