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clear_old_networks() {
# Get the mesh name from UCI config
MESH_NAME=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.mesh_id)
# Get all the radios and go through them one by one to remove old networks and interfaces with the same mesh name
for CURRENT_RADIO in $(uci -X show wireless | grep wifi-device | awk -F'[.=]' '{print $2}'); do
echo "Clearing old networks for radio: $CURRENT_RADIO"
# Use awk to parse the 'uci show wireless' output and find the matching section
matched_section=$(uci show wireless | awk -F. -v radio="$CURRENT_RADIO" -v ssid="$MESH_NAME" '
$0 ~ /^wireless\.wifinet[0-9]+\.device=/ && $3 ~ radio { device_section=$2 }
$0 ~ /^wireless\.wifinet[0-9]+\.ssid=/ && $3 ~ ssid && device_section == $2 { print $2; exit }
# Check if a matching section was found
if [ -n "$matched_section" ]; then
echo "The matching wireless interface section is: $matched_section - deleting it"
uci delete wireless.$matched_section
# Find and delete existing mesh network interfaces with the specified MESH_NAME on the current radio
EXISTING_MESH=$(uci show wireless | grep -w "mesh_id='$MESH_NAME'" | grep ".$CURRENT_RADIO." | cut -d'.' -f1-2)
for section in $EXISTING_MESH; do
uci delete $section
echo "The matching wireless interface section is: $section - deleting it"
# Commit changes to wireless
uci commit
create_bat0() {
# Check if bat0 already exists
if uci -q get network.bat0 >/dev/null; then
echo "bat0 interface already exists."
uci set network.bat0=interface
uci set network.bat0.proto='batadv'
uci set network.bat0.routing_algo='BATMAN_IV'
uci set network.bat0.aggregated_ogms='1'
uci set network.bat0.ap_isolation='0'
uci set network.bat0.bonding='1'
uci set network.bat0.bridge_loop_avoidance='1'
uci set network.bat0.distributed_arp_table='1'
uci set network.bat0.fragmentation='1'
uci set network.bat0.hop_penalty='30'
uci set network.bat0.isolation_mark='0x00000000/0x00000000'
uci set network.bat0.log_level='0'
uci set network.bat0.multicast_fanout='16'
uci set network.bat0.multicast_mode='1'
uci set network.bat0.network_coding='0'
uci set network.bat0.orig_interval='1000'
echo "bat0 interface has been created."
# Set the bat0 role
BAT_ROLE=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.role)
if [ "${BAT_ROLE}" == "server" ]; then
uci set network.bat0.gw_mode='server'
elif [ "${BAT_ROLE}" == "client" ]; then
uci set network.bat0.gw_mode='client'
uci set network.bat0.gw_mode='off'
# Get the current list of ports for the 'br-lan' interface
LAN_PORTS=$(uci -q get network.@device[0].ports)
# Check if 'bat0' is already in the list of ports for 'br-lan'
if echo "$LAN_PORTS" | grep -q 'bat0'; then
uci del_list network.@device[0].ports='bat0'
echo "Old bat0 interface deleted from lan network."
10 months ago
# # Add 'bat0' to the list of ports for 'br-lan'
# uci add_list network.@device[0].ports='bat0'
# echo "bat0 has been added to the lan network."
# Get the LAN bridge name
LAN_NAME=$(uci -q get network.@device[0].name)
# Setup our Private Router Batman Interface
uci set network.private_router_batman=interface
uci set network.private_router_batman.proto='batadv_hardif'
uci set network.private_router_batman.master='bat0'
uci set network.private_router_batman.device="$LAN_NAME"
uci set network.private_router_batman.mtu='1536'
uci commit network
find_radios() {
# Get the radio to be used for mesh from the config
AP_RADIO=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.apRadio)
# Check if AP_RADIO is empty, if so exit
if [ -z "$AP_RADIO" ]; then
echo "No radio specified in the config, exiting."
exit 1
# Check to make sure if "all" is passed or a single radio
if [ "$AP_RADIO" == "all" ]; then
# Get the list of wifi devices
WIFI_RADIOS=$(uci -X show wireless | awk -F'[.=]' '/wifi-device/ {print $2}' | tr '\n' ' ')
# Set the radio to the one passed in the config
process_radios() {
# Check if WIFI_RADIOS contains more than one radio
if [[ $WIFI_RADIOS =~ [[:space:]] ]]; then
# Loop through all the radios and set them up
for radio in $WIFI_RADIOS; do
echo "Multiple Radio Setup, Current Radio: $radio"
setup_mesh_radio $radio
echo "Calling Single Radio Setup: $WIFI_RADIOS"
setup_mesh_radio $WIFI_RADIOS
# This is called from the process_radios function and is passed the radio to be used for mesh
setup_mesh_radio() {
echo "Setting up radio: $CURRENT_RADIO"
# Get the mesh name from UCI config
MESH_NAME=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.mesh_id)
# Commit changes to wireless
uci commit wireless
10 months ago
# uci set network.nwi_mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO=interface
# uci set network.nwi_mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.proto='batadv_hardif'
# uci set network.nwi_mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.master='bat0'
# uci set network.nwi_mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.device='bat0'
# uci set network.nwi_mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.mtu='1536'
10 months ago
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO='wifi-iface'
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.device="$CURRENT_RADIO"
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.ifname="mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO"
uci set wireless.mesh_$'private_router_batman'
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.mode='mesh'
10 months ago
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.mesh_id="$MESH_NAME"
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.mesh_fwding='0'
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.mesh_rssi_threshold='0'
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.mesh_ttl='1'
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.mcast_rate='24000'
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.disabled='0'
uci commit wireless
# Extact the radio number from the radio name
# Get the mobility domain from the config
MOBILITY_DOMAIN=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.mobility_domain)
# If mobility domain is empty, set it to a random 4 digit hex number, then set it in the config
if [ -z "$MOBILITY_DOMAIN" ]; then
MOBILITY_DOMAIN=$(hexdump -n 2 -e '2/1 "%02x"' /dev/urandom)
uci set easymesh.config.mobility_domain=$MOBILITY_DOMAIN
uci commit easymesh
# Get the encryption enabled from the config
ENCRYPTION_ENABLED=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.encryption)
# Setup the interface for the mesh network
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.disabled='0'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM=wifi-iface
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.device=$CURRENT_RADIO
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.mode='ap'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ssid=$MESH_NAME
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ieee80211r='1'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.mobility_domain=$MOBILITY_DOMAIN
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ft_over_ds='0'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ft_psk_generate_local='0'
uci set wireless.wifinet$'lan'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.disabled=0
# Get the encryption key from the config
NETWORK_KEY=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.key)
# Check if encryption is enabled and if the key is not empty
if [ "$ENCRYPTION_ENABLED" = 1 ] && [ ! -z $NETWORK_KEY ]; then
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.encryption='sae'
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.key=$NETWORK_KEY
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.encryption='sae-mixed'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.key=$NETWORK_KEY
uci set wireless.mesh_$CURRENT_RADIO.encryption='none'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.encryption='none'
[ -z $NETWORK_KEY ] && echo "Encryption key is empty, so encryption was disabled."
# Commit our block of changes to wireless
uci commit wireless
# Check if we need to setup kvr
ENABLE_KVR=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.kvr)
if [ "$ENABLE_KVR" = 1 ]; then
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ieee80211k='1'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.rrm_neighbor_report='1'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.rrm_beacon_report='1'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ieee80211v='1'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.bss_transition='1'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ieee80211r='1'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ft_over_ds='1'
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ft_psk_generate_local='1'
uci commit wireless
uci -q delete wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ieee80211k
uci -q delete wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ieee80211v
uci -q delete wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.ieee80211r
uci commit wireless
# Check if we need to setup iapp
ENABLE_IAPP=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.iapp)
if [ "$ENABLE_IAPP" = 1 ]; then
# Get the LAN interface name
LAN_NAME=$(uci -q get network.@device[0].name)
# If LAN_NAME is not empty, set the iapp interface
if [ ! -z "$LAN_NAME" ]; then
uci set wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.iapp_interface="$LAN_NAME"
uci commit wireless
uci -q delete wireless.wifinet$RADIO_NUM.iapp_interface
uci commit wireless
# If KVR is enabled, setup DAWN
if [ "$ENABLE_KVR" = 1 ]; then
RSSI=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.rssi_val)
LOW_RSSI=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.low_rssi_val)
uci set dawn.@metric[0].rssi_val=$RSSI
uci set dawn.@metric[0].low_rssi_val=$LOW_RSSI
uci commit dawn
/etc/init.d/dawn enable && /etc/init.d/dawn start
/etc/init.d/dawn stop && /etc/init.d/dawn disable
# Commit our block of changes to the configs
uci commit
restart_and_reload() {
# Enable all the radios and commit the changes at once
for radio in $(uci -X show wireless | grep wifi-device | awk -F'[.=]' '{print $2}'); do
echo "Enabling $radio..."
uci set wireless.$radio.disabled=0
uci commit
echo "All radios enabled."
# Apply the wireless configuration changes
wifi reload
echo "Wireless interfaces reloaded."
# Apply network configuration changes
# Note: Only use reload_config if you have made changes to the network config
# and need to apply them. Otherwise, you can skip this step.
echo "Network configuration reloaded."
/etc/init.d/network reload
/etc/init.d/network restart
disable_easymesh() {
# Delete the bat0 interface
if [ "$(uci -q get network.bat0)" = "interface" ]; then
uci del network.bat0
# Get the current list of ports for the 'br-lan' interface
LAN_PORTS=$(uci -q get network.@device[0].ports)
# Check if 'bat0' is already in the list of ports for 'br-lan'
if echo "$LAN_PORTS" | grep -q 'bat0'; then
uci del_list network.@device[0].ports='bat0'
echo "Old bat0 interface deleted from lan network."
# Get the list of wifi devices
WIFI_RADIOS=$(uci -X show wireless | awk -F'[.=]' '/wifi-device/ {print $2}' | tr '\n' ' ')
# Loop through all the radios and delete the network interfaces
echo "Handling removal of mesh networks for: $CURRENT_RADIO"
10 months ago
if [ "$(uci -q get network.private_router_batman)" = "interface" ]; then
uci del network.private_router_batman
uci commit network
uci commit
echo "Network configuration reloaded."
/etc/init.d/network reload
/etc/init.d/network restart
set_apmode() {
AP_MODE=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.ap_mode)
if [ "$AP_MODE" = 1 ]; then
# Set a flag to indicate that we are in AP mode
# When we go to disable easymesh, we will check this flag and if it was set we restore settings
uci set easymesh.config.ap_mode_enabled=1
# Backup our configs
rm /etc/config/*.meshbak
cp /etc/config/wireless /etc/config/wireless.meshbak
cp /etc/config/network /etc/config/network.meshbak
cp /etc/config/dhcp /etc/config/dhcp.meshbak
# Generate a random IP in the same subnet for fun
# ip_base=$(echo "$dns" | cut -d'.' -f1-3) # Get the first three octets of the DNS IP
# last_octet=$((RANDOM % 254 + 1)) # Generate a random value for the last octet between 1 and 254
# nodeip="${ip_base}.${last_octet}" # Concatenate the base IP with the new last octet
# Disabling and stopping services not needed
for service in firewall dnsmasq odhcpd; do
if /etc/init.d/$service enabled; then
echo "Disabling and stopping $service..."
/etc/init.d/$service disable
/etc/init.d/$service stop
echo "$service is not enabled, skipping..."
# Set LAN interface to DHCP client
uci del network.lan.ipaddr
uci del network.lan.netmask
uci set network.lan.proto='dhcp'
uci del network.wan
uci del network.wan6
# Fix firewall to be disabled
uci del
uci del
# Fix dhcp to be disabled
uci set dhcp.lan.ignore='1'
uci del dhcp.wan
# Fix this for proper variable name
HOSTNAME=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.gateway)
# Set netmask and gateway (assuming $netmask and $dns didn't break more stuff)
uci set system.@system[0].hostname=$HOSTNAME
# Retrieve the list of ports for network.@device[0]
LAN_PORTS=$(uci get network.@device[0].ports)
# Check if 'wan' is already in the list of ports
if echo "$LAN_PORTS" | grep -q -w 'wan'; then
echo "'wan' is already in the list of ports for lan."
echo "'wan' is not in the list. Adding it to lan ports..."
uci add_list network.@device[0].ports='wan'
# Find all radios we are using in our setup
# # Check if WIFI_RADIOS contains more than one radio
# if [[ $WIFI_RADIOS =~ [[:space:]] ]]; then
# # Loop through all the radios add nwimesh to the that network
# for cur_radio in $WIFI_RADIOS; do
# echo "Multiple Radio Setup, Current Radio: $radio"
# # Extact the radio number from the radio name
# wifi_num="${cur_radio#radio}"
# uci set wireless.wifinet${wifi_num}.network="lan nwi_mesh_${cur_radio}"
# done
# else
# echo "Calling Single Radio Setup: $WIFI_RADIOS"
# # Extact the radio number from the radio name
# wifi_num="${WIFI_RADIOS#radio}"
# uci set wireless.wifinet${wifi_num}.network="lan nwi_mesh_${WIFI_RADIOS}"
# fi
uci commit
# Tell openwrt to reload the configs
# Set a flag to indicate that we are in AP mode
uci set easymesh.config.ap_mode_enabled=0
# Restore our configs
[ -f /etc/config/wireless.meshbak ] && {
mv /etc/config/wireless /etc/config/wireless.dumbap
cp /etc/config/wireless.meshbak /etc/config/wireless
[ -f /etc/config/network.meshbak ] && {
mv /etc/config/network /etc/config/network.dumbap
cp /etc/config/network.meshbak /etc/config/network
[ -f /etc/config/dhcp.meshbak ] && {
mv /etc/config/dhcp /etc/config/dhcp.dumbap
cp /etc/config/dhcp.meshbak /etc/config/dhcp
# Enable and start services not needed
for service in firewall dnsmasq odhcpd; do
if /etc/init.d/$service disabled; then
echo "Enabling and starting $service..."
/etc/init.d/$service enable
/etc/init.d/$service start
echo "$service is not disabled, skipping..."
/etc/init.d/network reload
# ENABLED=$(uci -q get easymesh.config.enabled)
# if [ "$ENABLED" = 1 ]; then
# clear_old_networks
# create_bat0
# find_radios
# process_radios
# restart_and_reload
# else
# clear_old_networks
# disable_easymesh
# fi
# We accept the parameters: start, stop and apmode
# start: Enables easymesh
# stop: Disables easymesh
# apmode: Sets the device to AP mode
if [ "$1" = "start" ]; then
elif [ "$1" = "stop" ]; then
# elif [ "$1" = "apmode" ]; then
# set_apmode
echo "Invalid parameter passed."