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90 lines
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msgid ""
msgstr "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
msgid "easymesh"
msgstr "easymesh"
msgid "Active node"
msgstr "活动节点"
msgid "IF"
msgstr "IF"
msgid "Neighbor"
msgstr "节点邻居设备"
msgid "lastseen"
msgstr "上次连接延时"
msgid "EASY MESH"
msgstr "简单MESH"
msgid "Settings"
msgstr "设置"
msgid "General Settings"
msgstr "基本设置"
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "启用"
msgid "role"
msgstr "角色"
msgid "off"
msgstr "关闭"
msgid "host MESH"
msgstr "主MESH"
msgid "son MESH"
msgstr "子MESH"
msgid "MESH Radio device"
msgstr "MESH无线设备"
msgid "The radio device which MESH use"
msgstr "使用MESH组网的无线设备"
msgid "AUTO"
msgstr "自动"
msgid "Enable or disable EASY MESH"
msgstr "启用或禁用简单MESH"
msgid "Encryption"
msgstr "加密"
msgid "Key"
msgstr "密码"
msgid "inter-access point protocol"
msgstr "接入点内部协议"
msgid "Wireless Access Points (APs) running on different vendors can communicate with each other"
msgstr "运行在不同供应商的无线访问点(AP)可以相互交流"
msgid "Threshold for an good RSSI"
msgstr "快速漫游接入值"
msgid "Threshold for an bad RSSI"
msgstr "快速漫游踢出值"
msgid "AP MODE Enable"
msgstr "启用AP模式"
msgid "Enable or disable AP MODE"
msgstr "启用或禁用AP模式"
msgid "IPv4-Address"
msgstr "IPv4 地址"
msgid "IPv4 netmask"
msgstr "IPv4 子网掩码"
msgid "IPv4 gateway"
msgstr "IPv4 网关"
msgid "Use custom DNS servers"
msgstr "使用自定义的 DNS 服务器"