module("luci.controller.fileassistant", package.seeall) function index() entry({"admin", "nas"}, firstchild(), _("NAS") , 45).dependent = false entry({"admin", "nas"}, firstchild(), "NAS", 44).dependent = false local page page = entry({"admin", "nas", "fileassistant"}, template("fileassistant"), _("File Assistant"), 1) page.i18n = "base" page.dependent = true page.acl_depends = { "luci-app-fileassistant" } page = entry({"admin", "nas", "fileassistant", "list"}, call("fileassistant_list"), nil) page.leaf = true page = entry({"admin", "nas", "fileassistant", "open"}, call("fileassistant_open"), nil) page.leaf = true page = entry({"admin", "nas", "fileassistant", "delete"}, call("fileassistant_delete"), nil) page.leaf = true page = entry({"admin", "nas", "fileassistant", "rename"}, call("fileassistant_rename"), nil) page.leaf = true page = entry({"admin", "nas", "fileassistant", "upload"}, call("fileassistant_upload"), nil) page.leaf = true page = entry({"admin", "nas", "fileassistant", "install"}, call("fileassistant_install"), nil) page.leaf = true end function list_response(path, success) luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") local result if success then local rv = scandir(path) result = { ec = 0, data = rv } else result = { ec = 1 } end luci.http.write_json(result) end function fileassistant_list() local path = luci.http.formvalue("path") list_response(path, true) end function fileassistant_open() local path = luci.http.formvalue("path") local filename = luci.http.formvalue("filename") local io = require "io" local mime = to_mime(filename) file = path..filename local download_fpi =, "r") luci.http.header('Content-Disposition', 'inline; filename="'..filename..'"' ) luci.http.prepare_content(mime) luci.ltn12.pump.all(luci.ltn12.source.file(download_fpi), luci.http.write) end function fileassistant_delete() local path = luci.http.formvalue("path") local isdir = luci.http.formvalue("isdir") path = path:gsub("<>", "/") path = path:gsub(" ", "\ ") local success if isdir then success = os.execute('rm -r "'..path..'"') else success = os.remove(path) end list_response(nixio.fs.dirname(path), success) end function fileassistant_rename() local filepath = luci.http.formvalue("filepath") local newpath = luci.http.formvalue("newpath") local success = os.execute('mv "'..filepath..'" "'..newpath..'"') list_response(nixio.fs.dirname(filepath), success) end function fileassistant_install() local filepath = luci.http.formvalue("filepath") local isdir = luci.http.formvalue("isdir") local ext = filepath:match(".+%.(%w+)$") filepath = filepath:gsub("<>", "/") filepath = filepath:gsub(" ", "\ ") local success if isdir == "1" then success = false elseif ext == "ipk" then success = installIPK(filepath) else success = false end list_response(nixio.fs.dirname(filepath), success) end function installIPK(filepath) luci.sys.exec('opkg --force-depends install "'..filepath..'"') luci.sys.exec('rm -rf /tmp/luci-*') return true; end function fileassistant_upload() local filecontent = luci.http.formvalue("upload-file") local filename = luci.http.formvalue("upload-filename") local uploaddir = luci.http.formvalue("upload-dir") local filepath = uploaddir..filename local fp luci.http.setfilehandler( function(meta, chunk, eof) if not fp and meta and == "upload-file" then fp =, "w") end if fp and chunk then fp:write(chunk) end if fp and eof then fp:close() end end ) list_response(uploaddir, true) end function scandir(directory) local i, t, popen = 0, {}, io.popen local pfile = popen("ls -lh \"""\" | egrep '^d' ; ls -lh \"""\" | egrep -v '^d|^l'") for fileinfo in pfile:lines() do i = i + 1 t[i] = fileinfo end pfile:close() pfile = popen("ls -lh \"""\" | egrep '^l' ;") for fileinfo in pfile:lines() do i = i + 1 linkindex, _, linkpath = string.find(fileinfo, "->%s+(.+)$") local finalpath; if string.sub(linkpath, 1, 1) == "/" then finalpath = linkpath else finalpath = nixio.fs.realpath(directory..linkpath) end local linktype; if not finalpath then finalpath = linkpath; linktype = 'x' elseif nixio.fs.stat(finalpath, "type") == "dir" then linktype = 'z' else linktype = 'l' end fileinfo = string.sub(fileinfo, 2, linkindex - 1) fileinfo = linktype..fileinfo.."-> "..finalpath t[i] = fileinfo end pfile:close() return t end MIME_TYPES = { ["txt"] = "text/plain"; ["conf"] = "text/plain"; ["ovpn"] = "text/plain"; ["log"] = "text/plain"; ["js"] = "text/javascript"; ["json"] = "application/json"; ["css"] = "text/css"; ["htm"] = "text/html"; ["html"] = "text/html"; ["patch"] = "text/x-patch"; ["c"] = "text/x-csrc"; ["h"] = "text/x-chdr"; ["o"] = "text/x-object"; ["ko"] = "text/x-object"; ["bmp"] = "image/bmp"; ["gif"] = "image/gif"; ["png"] = "image/png"; ["jpg"] = "image/jpeg"; ["jpeg"] = "image/jpeg"; ["svg"] = "image/svg+xml"; ["zip"] = "application/zip"; ["pdf"] = "application/pdf"; ["xml"] = "application/xml"; ["xsl"] = "application/xml"; ["doc"] = "application/msword"; ["ppt"] = "application/"; ["xls"] = "application/"; ["odt"] = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text"; ["odp"] = "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation"; ["pl"] = "application/x-perl"; ["sh"] = "application/x-shellscript"; ["php"] = "application/x-php"; ["deb"] = "application/x-deb"; ["iso"] = "application/x-cd-image"; ["tgz"] = "application/x-compressed-tar"; ["mp3"] = "audio/mpeg"; ["ogg"] = "audio/x-vorbis+ogg"; ["wav"] = "audio/x-wav"; ["mpg"] = "video/mpeg"; ["mpeg"] = "video/mpeg"; ["avi"] = "video/x-msvideo"; } function to_mime(filename) if type(filename) == "string" then local ext = filename:match("[^%.]+$") if ext and MIME_TYPES[ext:lower()] then return MIME_TYPES[ext:lower()] end end return "application/octet-stream" end