local util = require "luci.util" local jsonc = require "luci.jsonc" local ghostblog = {} ghostblog.blocks = function() local f = io.popen("lsblk -s -f -b -o NAME,FSSIZE,MOUNTPOINT --json", "r") local vals = {} if f then local ret = f:read("*all") f:close() local obj = jsonc.parse(ret) for _, val in pairs(obj["blockdevices"]) do local fsize = val["fssize"] if fsize ~= nil and string.len(fsize) > 10 and val["mountpoint"] then -- fsize > 1G vals[#vals+1] = val["mountpoint"] end end end return vals end ghostblog.home = function() local uci = require "luci.model.uci".cursor() local home_dirs = {} home_dirs["main_dir"] = uci:get_first("quickstart", "main", "main_dir", "/root") home_dirs["Configs"] = uci:get_first("quickstart", "main", "conf_dir", home_dirs["main_dir"].."/Configs") home_dirs["Public"] = uci:get_first("quickstart", "main", "pub_dir", home_dirs["main_dir"].."/Public") home_dirs["Downloads"] = uci:get_first("quickstart", "main", "dl_dir", home_dirs["Public"].."/Downloads") home_dirs["Caches"] = uci:get_first("quickstart", "main", "tmp_dir", home_dirs["main_dir"].."/Caches") return home_dirs end ghostblog.find_paths = function(blocks, home_dirs, path_name) local default_path = '' local configs = {} default_path = home_dirs[path_name] .. "/Ghostblog" if #blocks == 0 then table.insert(configs, default_path) else for _, val in pairs(blocks) do table.insert(configs, val .. "/" .. path_name .. "/Ghostblog") end local without_conf_dir = "/root/" .. path_name .. "/Ghostblog" if default_path == without_conf_dir then default_path = configs[1] end end return configs, default_path end return ghostblog