--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface ]]-- local taskd = require "luci.model.tasks" local mastodon_model = require "luci.model.mastodon" local m, s, o m = taskd.docker_map("mastodon", "mastodon", "/usr/libexec/apps/mastodon/mastodon.sh", translate("Mastodon"), translate("Mastodon is a decentralized social network made up of independent servers organized around specific themes, topics, or interests. People can join servers, follow each other, engage in conversations, and otherwise do all sorts of things they'd expect to do on a social network like Twitter.") .. translate("Official website:") .. ' https://joinmastodon.org/') s = m:section(SimpleSection, translate("Service Status"), translate("mastodon status:")) s:append(Template("mastodon/status")) s = m:section(TypedSection, "mastodon", translate("Setup"), translate("Enter domain name instead of router ip if self hosting via domain.")) s.addremove=false s.anonymous=true o = s:option(Value, "port", translate("Port").."*") o.rmempty = false o.default = "8660" o.datatype = "port" o = s:option(Value, "image_name", translate("Image").."*") o.rmempty = false o.datatype = "string" o:value("lscr.io/linuxserver/mastodon:latest", "lscr.io/linuxserver/mastodon:latest") o.default = "lscr.io/linuxserver/mastodon:latest" local blocks = mastodon_model.blocks() local home = mastodon_model.home() o = s:option(Value, "config_path", translate("Enter router IP or domain name").."*") o.rmempty = false o.datatype = "string" o:value("", "") o.default = "" local paths, default_path = mastodon_model.find_paths(blocks, home, "Configs") for _, val in pairs(paths) do o:value(val, val) end o.default = default_path return m