-- Copyright 2021 Konstantine Shevlakov -- Licensed to the public under the General Public License 3.0. require("nixio.fs") local uci = require "luci.model.uci" local m local s local mode2g = os.execute("/usr/share/modeminfo/scripts/getmode.sh 2g") local mode3g = os.execute("/usr/share/modeminfo/scripts/getmode.sh 3g") local mode4g = os.execute("/usr/share/modeminfo/scripts/getmode.sh 4g") local slot = uci.cursor():get_first("modemconfig", "modem", "device") if slot == nil then slot = 0 end local b2g = {} local t = io.popen("mmcli -J -m "..slot.." | jsonfilter -e '@[\"modem\"][\"generic\"][\"supported-bands\"][*]' | grep -v utran", "r") for bands in t:lines() do table.insert(b2g, b2) b2g[#b2g + 1] = bands end local b3g = {} local f = io.popen("mmcli -J -m "..slot.." | jsonfilter -e '@[\"modem\"][\"generic\"][\"supported-bands\"][*]'|awk '/^utran/{print $1}'", "r") for bands in f:lines() do table.insert(b3g, b3) b3g[#b3g + 1] = bands end local b4g = {} local p = io.popen("mmcli -J -m "..slot.." | jsonfilter -e '@[\"modem\"][\"generic\"][\"supported-bands\"][*]'|awk '/^eutran/{print $1}'", "r") for bands in p:lines() do table.insert(b4g, b4) b4g[#b4g + 1] = bands end local mm = {} local t = io.popen("mmcli -J -L | jsonfilter -e '@[\"modem-list\"][*]'", "r") m = Map("modemconfig", translate("Configure modem bands"), translate("Configuration 2G/3G/4G modem frequency bands.")) s = m:section(TypedSection, "modem", "


" .. translate("Choose bands cellular modem")) s.anonymous = true dev = s:option(ListValue, "device", translate("Modem"), translate("Select modem")) if mm ~= nil then for dev in t:lines() do table.insert(mm, m) mm[#mm + 1] = dev end for b,g in ipairs(mm) do mm[b] = g if type(g) ~= "table" then n = io.popen("mmcli -J -m "..g.." | jsonfilter -e '@[\"modem\"].*[\"model\"]'", "r") local model = n:read("*l") n:close() x = io.popen("mmcli -J -m "..g.." | jsonfilter -e '@[\"modem\"].*[\"device\"]'", "r") local bus = x:read("*l") x:close() dev:value(bus,model) end end end --s = m:section(TypedSection, "modem", "


" .. translate("Choose bands cellular modem")) --s.anonymous = true -- disable if broken netmode = s:option(ListValue, "mode", translate("Net Mode"), translate("Preffered Network mode select.")) if mode4g == 0 then netmode:value("4g", "4G only") end if mode4g == 0 and mode3g == 0 then netmode:value("p4g3g", "4G/3G: preffer 4G") netmode:value("4gp3g", "4G/3G: preffer 3G") end if mode2g == 0 and mode3g == 0 and mode4g == 0 then netmode:value("p4g3g2g", "4G/3G/2G: preffer 4G") netmode:value("4gp3g2g", "4G/3G/2G: preffer 3G") netmode:value("4g3gp2g", "4G/3G/2G: preffer 2G") end if mode3g == 0 then netmode:value("3g", "3G only") end if mode3g == 0 and mode2g == 0 then netmode:value("p3g2g", "3G/2G: preffer 3G") netmode:value("3gp2g", "3G/2G: preffer 2G") end if mode2g == 0 then netmode:value("2g", "2G only") end netmode.default = "p4g3g" if mode2g == 0 then gsm = s:option(DynamicList, "gsm_band", translate("2G")) if b2g ~= nil then for b,g in ipairs(b2g) do b2g[b] = g gsm:value(g,g) end end gsm.rmempty = true end if mode3g == 0 then wcdma = s:option(DynamicList, "3g_band", translate("3G")) if b3g ~= nil then for b,g in ipairs(b3g) do b3g[b] = g wcdma:value(g,g) end end s.rmempty = true end if mode4g == 0 then lte = s:option(DynamicList, "lte_band", translate("4G"), translate("Maybe must reconnect cellular interface.
If deselect all bands, then used default band modem config.")) if b4g ~= nil then for b,g in ipairs(b4g) do b4g[b] = g lte:value(g,g) end end s.rmempty = true end function m.on_after_commit(Map) luci.sys.call("/usr/bin/modemconfig") end s.addremove = true s.anonymous = true s.rmempty = true return m