--[[ LuCI - Lua Configuration Interface ]]-- local taskd = require "luci.model.tasks" local docker = require "luci.docker" local plex_model = require "luci.model.plex" local m, s, o m = taskd.docker_map("plex", "plex", "/usr/libexec/apps/plex.sh", translate("Plex"), translate("Plex is an streaming media service and a client-server media player platform, made by Plex, Inc.") .. translate("Official website:") .. ' https://www.plex.tv/') local dk = docker.new({socket_path="/var/run/docker.sock"}) local dockerd_running = dk:_ping().code == 200 local docker_info = dockerd_running and dk:info().body or {} local docker_aspace = 0 if docker_info.DockerRootDir then local statvfs = nixio.fs.statvfs(docker_info.DockerRootDir) docker_aspace = statvfs and (statvfs.bavail * statvfs.bsize) or 0 end s = m:section(SimpleSection, translate("Service Status"), translate("Plex status:")) s:append(Template("plex/status")) s = m:section(TypedSection, "main", translate("Setup"), (docker_aspace < 2147483648 and (translate("The free space of Docker is less than 2GB, which may cause the installation to fail.") .. "
") or "") .. translate("The following parameters will only take effect during installation or upgrade:")) s.addremove=false s.anonymous=true o = s:option(Flag, "hostnet", translate("Host network"), translate("Plex running in host network, for DLNA application. Port is always 32400 if enabled")) o.default = 0 o.rmempty = false o = s:option(Value, "claim_token", translate("Plex Claim Token"), translatef("Obtain token from %s", "Plex")) o.datatype = "string" o = s:option(Value, "port", translate("Port").."*") o.default = "32400" o.datatype = "port" o:depends("hostnet", 0) o = s:option(Value, "image_name", translate("Image").."*") o.rmempty = false o.datatype = "string" o.default = "linuxserver/plex:latest" if "x86_64" == docker_info.Architecture then o:value("plexinc/pms-docker:latest", "plexinc/pms-docker:latest [x86_64]") o:value("plexinc/pms-docker:", "plexinc/pms-docker: [x86_64]") end o:value("linuxserver/plex:latest", "linuxserver/plex:latest") o:value("linuxserver/plex:1.29.2", "linuxserver/plex:1.29.2") local blocks = plex_model.blocks() local home = plex_model.home() o = s:option(Value, "config_path", translate("Config path").."*") o.rmempty = false o.datatype = "string" local paths, default_path = plex_model.find_paths(blocks, home, "Configs") for _, val in pairs(paths) do o:value(val, val) end o.default = default_path o = s:option(Value, "media_path", translate("Media path"), translatef("Not required, all disk will be mounted under %s", "path=/opt/docker2/compose/empy-app' target='_blank'>/opt")) o.datatype = "string" o = s:option(Value, "cache_path", translate("Transcode cache path").."*", translate("Please make sure there has enough space")) o.rmempty = false o.datatype = "string" local paths, default_path = plex_model.find_paths(blocks, home, "Caches") for _, val in pairs(paths) do o:value(val, val) end o.default = default_path return m