-- Copyright 2014-2018 Sandor Balazsi -- Licensed to the public under the GNU General Public License. -- Custom fields: -- d.custom1: tags (space delimited) -- d.custom2: tracker favicon -- d.custom3: url of torrent file -- d.custom4: not used -- d.custom5: when "1": delete files from disk on erase local common = require "luci.model.cbi.rtorrent.common" local rtorrent = require "rtorrent" require "luci.model.cbi.rtorrent.string" local selected, format, total = {}, {}, {} local methods = { "hash", "name", "size_bytes", "bytes_done", "hashing", "state", "complete", "peers_accounted", "peers_complete", "down.rate", "up.rate", "ratio", "up.total", "timestamp.started", "timestamp.finished", "custom1", "custom2" } function status(d) if d["hashing"] > 0 then return "hash" elseif d["state"] == 0 then return "stop" elseif d["state"] > 0 then if d["complete"] == 0 then return "down" else return "seed" end else return "unknown" end end function eta(d) if d["bytes_done"] < d["size_bytes"] then if d["down_rate"] > 0 then return common.human_time((d["size_bytes"] - d["bytes_done"]) / d["down_rate"]) else return "∞" end else return "--" end end function favicon(d) if not d["custom2"] or d["custom2"] == "" then d["custom2"] = "/luci-static/resources/icons/unknown_tracker.png" for _, t in pairs(rtorrent.multicall("t.", d["hash"], 0, "url", "is_enabled")) do if t["is_enabled"] then local domain = t["url"]:match("[%w%.:/]*[%./](%w+%.%w+)") if domain then local icon = "http://" .. domain .. "/favicon.ico" if common.get(icon) then d["custom2"] = icon break end end end end rtorrent.call("d.custom2.set", d["hash"], d["custom2"]) end return d["custom2"] end function has_tag(tags, tag) for _, t in ipairs(tags) do if t.name:lower() == tag:lower() then return true end end return false end function get_tags(details) local l = {} local has_incomplete = false for _, d in ipairs(details) do for _, p in ipairs(d["custom1"]:split()) do if not has_tag(l, p) then table.insert(l, {name = p:ucfirst(), link = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/rtorrent/main/%s" % p)}) end end if d["complete"] == 0 then has_incomplete = true end end if has_incomplete then table.insert(l, {name = translate("Incomplete"), link = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/rtorrent/main/incomplete")}) end return l end function filter(details, page) local filtered = {} for _, d in ipairs(details) do if string.find(" " .. d["custom1"] .. " ", " " .. page .. " ") then table.insert(filtered, d) end if page == "incomplete" and d["complete"] == 0 then table.insert(filtered, d) end end return filtered end function format.icon(d, v) return "" end function format.name(d, v) total["name"] = (total["name"] or 0) + 1 local url = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/rtorrent/files/" .. d["hash"]) return "%s" % {url, v} end function format.size_bytes(d, v) total["size_bytes"] = (total["size_bytes"] or 0) + v return "
" % {v, common.human_size(v)} end function format.done_percent(d, v) return string.format("%.1f%%", v) end function format.status(d, v) return common.div(v, v == "stop" and "red", v == "seed" and "blue", v == "down" and "green", v == "hash" and "green") end function format.down_rate(d, v) total["down_rate"] = (total["down_rate"] or 0) + v return string.format("%.2f", v / 1000) end function format.up_rate(d, v) total["up_rate"] = (total["up_rate"] or 0) + v return string.format("%.2f", v / 1000) end function format.ratio(d, v) return common.div(string.format("%.2f", v / 1000), v < 1000 and "red" or "green") -- "title: Total uploaded: " .. common.human_size(d["up_total"])) end function format.eta(d, v) local download_started = d["timestamp_started"] == 0 and translate("not yet started") or os.date("!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", d["timestamp_started"]) local download_finished = d["timestamp_finished"] == 0 and translate("not yet finished") or os.date("!%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", d["timestamp_finished"]) return "
" % {download_started, download_finished, v } end function add_custom(details) for _, d in ipairs(details) do -- refactor: swap favicon (custom1) and tags (custom2) if d["custom1"]:ends(".ico") or d["custom1"]:ends(".png") then local temp = d["custom1"] d["custom1"] = d["custom2"] d["custom2"] = temp rtorrent.call("d.custom1.set", d["hash"], d["custom1"]) rtorrent.call("d.custom2.set", d["hash"], d["custom2"]) end d["status"] = status(d) d["done_percent"] = 100.0 * d["bytes_done"] / d["size_bytes"] d["eta"] = eta(d) d["icon"] = favicon(d) d["custom1"] = (d["custom1"] == "") and "all" or d["custom1"] end end function add_summary(details) table.insert(details, { ["name"] = "TOTAL: " .. total["name"] .. " pcs.", ["size_bytes"] = common.human_size(total["size_bytes"]), ["down_rate"] = string.format("%.2f", total["down_rate"] / 1000), ["up_rate"] = string.format("%.2f", total["up_rate"] / 1000), ["select"] = "%hidden%" }) end function html_format(details) table.sort(details, function(a, b) return a["name"] < b["name"] end) for _, d in ipairs(details) do for m, v in pairs(d) do d[m] = format[m] and format[m](d, v) or tostring(v) end end end f = SimpleForm("rtorrent", translate("Torrent List")) f.reset = false f.submit = false local details = rtorrent.multicall("d.", "default", unpack(methods)) add_custom(details) local tags = get_tags(details) local user = luci.dispatcher.context.authuser local page = arg[1] or (has_tag(tags, user) and user or "all") local filtered = filter(details, page) html_format(filtered) if #filtered > 1 then add_summary(filtered) end t = f:section(Table, filtered) t.template = "rtorrent/list" t.pages = tags t.page = page t.headcol = 2 AbstractValue.tooltip = function(self, s) self.hint = s return self end t:option(DummyValue, "icon").rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "name", translate("Name")).rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "size_bytes", translate("Size")):tooltip("Full size of torrent").rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "done_percent", translate("Done")):tooltip("Download done percent").rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "status", translate("Status")).rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "peers_accounted", "↑"):tooltip("Seeder count").rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "peers_complete", "↓"):tooltip("Leecher count").rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "down_rate", translate("Down
Speed")):tooltip("Download speed in kb/s").rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "up_rate", translate("Up
Speed")):tooltip("Upload speed in kb/s").rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "ratio", translate("Ratio")):tooltip("Download/upload ratio").rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "eta", translate("ETA")):tooltip("Estimated Time of Arrival").rawhtml = true select = t:option(Flag, "select") select.template = "rtorrent/fvalue" function select.write(self, section, value) table.insert(selected, filtered[section].hash) end s = f:section(SimpleSection) s.template = "rtorrent/buttonsection" s.style = "float: right;" start = s:option(Button, "start", translate("Start")) start.template = "rtorrent/button" start.inputstyle = "apply" function start.write(self, section, value) if next(selected) ~= nil then for _, hash in ipairs(selected) do rtorrent.call("d.open", hash) rtorrent.call("d.start", hash) end luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/rtorrent/main/" .. page)) end end stop = s:option(Button, "stop", translate("Stop")) stop.template = "rtorrent/button" stop.inputstyle = "reset" function stop.write(self, section, value) if next(selected) ~= nil then for _, hash in ipairs(selected) do rtorrent.call("d.stop", hash) rtorrent.call("d.close", hash) end luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/rtorrent/main/" .. page)) end end remove = s:option(Button, "remove", translate("Remove")) remove.template = "rtorrent/button" remove.inputstyle = "remove" function remove.write(self, section, value) if next(selected) ~= nil then for _, hash in ipairs(selected) do rtorrent.call("d.close", hash) rtorrent.call("d.erase", hash) end luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/rtorrent/main/" .. page)) end end r = f:section(SimpleSection) r.template = "rtorrent/buttonsection" r.style = "float: right;" delete = r:option(Button, "delete", translate("Remove and delete data")) delete.template = "rtorrent/button" delete.inputstyle = "remove" function delete.write(self, section, value) if next(selected) ~= nil then for _, hash in ipairs(selected) do rtorrent.call("d.custom5.set", hash, "1") rtorrent.call("d.close", hash) rtorrent.call("d.erase", hash) end luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/rtorrent/main/" .. page)) end end return f