-- Copyright 2014-2018 Sandor Balazsi -- Licensed to the public under the GNU General Public License. local rtorrent = require "rtorrent" local http = require "socket.http" local common = require "luci.model.cbi.rtorrent.common" local hash = arg[1] local details = rtorrent.batchcall({"name"}, hash, "d.") local format, total, map = {}, {}, {} local geoplugin_net = { address = "http://www.geoplugin.net/json.gp?ip=%s", fields = { geoplugin_countryCode = "country_code", geoplugin_countryName = "country", geoplugin_region = "region", geoplugin_city = "city", geoplugin_latitude = "latitude", geoplugin_longitude = "longitude" }} local ip2geo = geoplugin_net function map.googlemap(latitude, longitude, zoom) return "https://google.com/maps/place/%s,%s/@%s,%s,%sz" % {latitude, longitude, latitude, longitude, zoom} end function map.openstreetmap(latitude, longitude, zoom) return "http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=%s&mlon=%s#map=%s/%s/%s/m" % {latitude, longitude, zoom, latitude, longitude} end function format.address(r, v) total["address"] = (total["address"] or 0) + 1 local map = map.googlemap(r.latitude, r.longitude, 11) -- local map = map.openstreetmap(r.latitude, r.longitude, 11) -- local flag = "" % r.country_code:lower() -- local flag = "" % r.country_code:lower() local flag = "" % r.country_code:lower() return "%s %s" % {flag, map, v} end function format.completed_percent(r, v) return string.format("%.1f%%", v) end function format.down_rate(d, v) total["down_rate"] = (total["down_rate"] or 0) + v return string.format("%.2f", v / 1000) end function format.up_rate(d, v) total["up_rate"] = (total["up_rate"] or 0) + v return string.format("%.2f", v / 1000) end function format.down_total(d, v) return "
" % {v, common.human_size(v)} end function format.up_total(d, v) return format.down_total(d, v) end function json2table(json) loadstring("j2t = " .. string.gsub(string.gsub(json, '([,%{])%s*\n?%s*"', '%1["'), '"%s*:%s*', '"]='))() return j2t end function add_location(r) for i, j in pairs(json2table(http.request(ip2geo.address % r.address))) do if ip2geo.fields[i] then r[ip2geo.fields[i]] = j end end local location = {} for _, k in ipairs({"country", "region", "city"}) do if r[k] ~= "" and not tonumber(r[k]) then table.insert(location, (r[k]:gsub("\u(%x%x%x%x)", "&#x%1"))) end end r["location"] = table.concat(location, "/") end function add_summary(list) table.insert(list, { ["address"] = (translate("TOTAL").. ": " .. total["address"]), ["down_rate"] = string.format("%.2f", total["down_rate"] / 1000), ["up_rate"] = string.format("%.2f", total["up_rate"] / 1000) }) end local list = rtorrent.multicall("p.", hash, 0, "address", "completed_percent", "client_version", "down_rate", "up_rate", "up_total", "down_total") for _, r in ipairs(list) do add_location(r) for k, v in pairs(r) do r[k] = format[k] and format[k](r, v) or tostring(v) end end f = SimpleForm("rtorrent", details["name"]) f.redirect = luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin/rtorrent/main") f.reset = false f.submit = false if #list > 1 then add_summary(list) end t = f:section(Table, list) t.template = "rtorrent/list" t.pages = common.get_torrent_pages(hash) t.page = "Peer List" AbstractValue.tooltip = function(self, s) self.hint = s return self end t:option(DummyValue, "address", translate("Address")):tooltip("Peer IP address").rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "client_version", translate("Client")):tooltip("Client version") t:option(DummyValue, "location", translate("Location")):tooltip("Location: country/region/city").rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "completed_percent", translate("Done")):tooltip("Download done percent") t:option(DummyValue, "down_rate", translate("Down
Speed")):tooltip("Download speed in kb/s") t:option(DummyValue, "up_rate", translate("Up
Speed")):tooltip("Upload speed in kb/s") t:option(DummyValue, "down_total", translate("Downloaded")):tooltip("Total downloaded").rawhtml = true t:option(DummyValue, "up_total", translate("Uploaded")):tooltip("Total uploaded").rawhtml = true return f