You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

99 lines
2.9 KiB

1 year ago
-- Copyright 2008 Yanira <>
-- Licensed to the public under the Apache License 2.0.
local m
local s
local try_devices = nixio.fs.glob("/dev/tty[A-Z][A-Z]*")
local try_leds = nixio.fs.glob("/sys/class/leds/*")
m = Map("smstools3", translate("Setup smstools3"),
translate("Configure smstools3 daemon."))
s = m:section(TypedSection, "sms")
s.anonymous = true
utf8 = s:option(Flag, "decode_utf", translate("Decode SMS"),
translate("Decode Incoming messages to UTF-8 codepage."))
utf8.rmempty = true
ui = s:option(Flag, "ui", translate("Unexepted Input"),
translate("Enable Unexpected input from COM port."))
ui.rmempty = true
dt = s:option(Value, "delay", translate("Delay time"),
translate("Default value: 10<br />Smsd sleep so many seconds when it has nothing to do."))
dt.rmempty = true
memory = s:option(ListValue, "storage", translate("SMS Storage"),
translate("Select storage to save SMS."))
memory:value("temporary", translate("Temporary"))
memory:value("persistent", translate("Persistent"))
memory.default = "temporary"
memory.rmempty = true
dev = s:option(ListValue, "device", translate("Device"),
translate("Select COM port."))
if try_devices then
local node
for node in try_devices do
dev:value(node, node)
init = s:option(ListValue, "init", translate("Init string"),
translate("Initialise modem for more vendors"))
init:value("huawei", "Huawei")
init:value("intel", "Intel XMM")
init:value("zte", "ZTE or more")
init:value("", "Qualcomm or more")
init.default = ""
init.rempty = true
pin = s:option(Value, "pin", translate("PIN Code"),
translate("Default value: not in use.<br />Specifies the PIN number of the SIM card inside the modem."))
pin.rmempty = true
net = s:option(ListValue, "net_check", translate("Check network"),
translate("Setup network checking. Some modems incorrect test network."))
net:value("0", translate("Ignore check"))
net:value("1", translate("Always check"))
net:value("2", translate("Check prepare message"))
sig = s:option(Flag, "sig_check", translate("Ignore signal level"),
translate("Some devices do not support Bit Error Rate"))
log = s:option(ListValue, "loglevel", translate("Loglevel"),
translate("Verbose logging output."))
log:value("1", "Emergency")
log:value("2", "Alert")
log:value("3", "Critical")
log:value("4", "Error")
log:value("5", "Warning")
log:value("6", "Notice")
log:value("7", "Info")
log:value("8", "Debug")
log.default = "5"
led_enable = s:option(Flag, "led_enable", translate("LED"),
translate("Enable LED indication incoming messages."))
led = s:option(ListValue, "led", translate("Select LED"),
translate("LED indicate to Incoming messages."))
led:depends("led_enable", 1)
if try_leds then
local flash
local status
for flash in try_leds do
local status = flash
local flash = string.sub (status, 17)
function m.on_after_commit(Map)"/usr/bin/luci-app-smstools3")
return m