#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common # Copyright (C) 2022-2023 muink . "${IPKG_INSTROOT}/lib/functions.sh" START=99 USE_PROCD=1 VERSION='2.5.3' EXTRA_COMMANDS="check" EXTRA_HELP=\ " check Check for version updates" CONFIG_NAME='tinyfilemanager' TYPEDSECTION='main' WORKDIR="/www/tinyfilemanager" VARDIR="/var/tinyfilemanager" CONF="/var/etc/tinyfilemanager.conf" HOMEPATH="tinyfilemanager/rootfs" if [ "$(uci -q get $CONFIG_NAME.@$TYPEDSECTION[0].proxy_enabled)" == "1" ]; then export ALL_PROXY=$(uci -q get $CONFIG_NAME.@$TYPEDSECTION[0].proxy_protocol)://$(uci -q get $CONFIG_NAME.@$TYPEDSECTION[0].proxy_server) fi validate_section() { uci_load_validate $CONFIG_NAME $TYPEDSECTION "$1" "$2" \ 'use_auth:bool:0' \ 'auth_users:list(string)' \ 'readonly_users:list(string)' \ 'global_readonly:bool:0' \ 'root_path:directory' \ 'date_format:or("d.m.o", "d-m-o", "d/m/o", "j.n.o", "j-n-o", "j/n/o", "o.m.d", "o-m-d", "o/m/d", "o.n.j", "o-n-j", "o/n/j"):d.m.o' \ 'time_format:or("H\:i\:s", "G\:i\:s", "A h\:i\:s", "A g\:i\:s", "h\:i\:s A", "g\:i\:s A"):H\:i\:s' \ 'show_second:bool:0' \ 'favicon_path:file' \ 'exclude_items:list(string)' \ 'online_viewer:or("0", "google", "microsoft"):0' \ 'max_upload_size:and(uinteger,max(2048))' } init_config() { sed -n '/\/\/ --- EDIT BELOW CONFIGURATION CAREFULLY ---/,/\/\/ --- EDIT BELOW CAREFULLY OR DO NOT EDIT AT ALL ---/{ \ s|// --- EDIT BELOW CONFIGURATION CAREFULLY ---|\|; \ /\/\/ if User has the external config file, try to use it to override the default config above/,/^}/d; \ p \ }' "$WORKDIR/index.php" > "$1" sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$root_path =)(.+)|\1 \\\$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/$HOMEPATH';|; \ s|(^\\\$root_url =)(.+)|\1 '$HOMEPATH';|; \ s|(^\\\$default_timezone =)(.+)|\1 '$(uci -q get system.@system[0].zonename)';| \ " "$1" } apply_config() { [ "$2" == "0" ] || { >&2 echo "section $1 validation failed"; return 1; } local _conf="$CONF" local auth_users=$(echo "$auth_users"|sed -E "s/('[^']+'|[^' ]+)/'\1'/g; s|:|' => '|g; s|''|'|g; s|' '|',\\\n '|g; s|^| |") local readonly_users=$(echo "$readonly_users"|sed -E "s/('[^']+'|[^' ]+)/'\1'/g; s|''|'|g; s|' '|',\\\n '|g; s|^| |") local exclude_items=$(echo "$exclude_items"|sed -E "s/('[^']+'|[^' ]+)/'\1'/g; s|''|'|g; s|' '|',\\\n '|g; s|^| |") [ "$use_auth" -eq "1" ] && sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$use_auth =)(.+)|\1 true;|" "$_conf" || sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$use_auth =)(.+)|\1 false;|" "$_conf" [ "$global_readonly" -eq "1" ] && sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$global_readonly =)(.+)|\1 true;|" "$_conf" || sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$global_readonly =)(.+)|\1 false;|" "$_conf" sed -Ei "/^\\\$auth_users /,/\);/{/^ /d}" "$_conf" && sed -Ei "/^\\\$auth_users /a\ $auth_users" "$_conf" sed -Ei "/^\\\$readonly_users /,/\);/{/^ /d}" "$_conf" && sed -Ei "/^\\\$readonly_users /a\ $readonly_users" "$_conf" sed -Ei "/^\\\$exclude_items /{s|array\(\);|array(\n);|}" "$_conf" && sed -Ei "/^\\\$exclude_items /a\ $exclude_items" "$_conf" sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$default_timezone =)(.+)|\1 '$(uci -q get system.@system[0].zonename)';|" "$_conf" if [ -n "$root_path" ]; then sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$root_path =)(.+)|\1 \\\$_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'].'/${HOMEPATH}$root_path';|; \ s|(^\\\$root_url =)(.+)|\1 '${HOMEPATH}$root_path';| \ " "$_conf" fi sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$datetime_format =)(.+)|\1 '$date_format $time_format';|" "$_conf" [ "$show_second" -eq "0" ] && sed -Ei "/^\\\$datetime_format =/{s|:s||}" "$_conf" sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$favicon_path =)(.+)|\1 '$favicon_path';|" "$_conf" if [ "$online_viewer" == "0" ]; then sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$online_viewer =)(.+)|\1 false;|" "$_conf" else sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$online_viewer =)(.+)|\1 '$online_viewer';|" "$_conf" fi if [ "$(( $max_upload_size +0 ))" == "0" ]; then sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$max_upload_size_bytes =)(.+)|\1 26214400;|" "$_conf" #25M else sed -Ei "s|(^\\\$max_upload_size_bytes =)(.+)|\1 $(( $max_upload_size * 1024**2 ));|" "$_conf" fi } start_service() { mkdir /var/etc 2>/dev/null touch "$CONF" ln -s "$CONF" "$WORKDIR/config.php" 2>/dev/null init_config "$CONF" config_load "$CONFIG_NAME" config_foreach validate_section "$TYPEDSECTION" apply_config } service_triggers() { procd_add_reload_trigger "$CONFIG_NAME" 'system' } check() { local owner='prasathmani' local repo='tinyfilemanager' mkdir $VARDIR 2>/dev/null curl -sSL https://api.github.com/repos/$owner/$repo/releases \ | grep '"tag_name":' | sed "/$VERSION/,\${/$VERSION/b;d}" \ | sed -E 's|",||g; s|^.+"([^"]+)|\1|g' \ > "$VARDIR/releaseslist" } restart() { start }