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#!/bin/sh /etc/rc.common
extra_command "reconfig" ""
boot() {
XBOOT=1 start
add_wizard() {
[ "x$XBOOT" = "x1" ] && return 0
local cfg="$1"
local wan_proto wan_pppoe_user wan_pppoe_pass
local lan_ipaddr lan_netmask lan_dns lan_gateway dhcp
local device ipv6 old_ipv6 wifi_ssid wifi_key old_wifi_ssid old_wifi_key
config_get wan_proto "$cfg" wan_proto
device=$(uci get network.wan.device 2>/dev/null)
case "${wan_proto}" in
uci delete network.wan
uci set network.wan=interface
uci set network.wan.device="$device"
uci set network.wan.proto='dhcp'
config_get wan_pppoe_user "$cfg" wan_pppoe_user
config_get wan_pppoe_pass "$cfg" wan_pppoe_pass
[[ "${wan_pppoe_user} != $(uci -q get network.wan.username)" || "${wan_pppoe_pass} != $(uci -q get network.wan.password)" ]] && {
uci delete network.wan
uci set network.wan=interface
uci set network.wan.proto='pppoe'
uci set network.wan.device="$device"
uci set network.wan.username="${wan_pppoe_user}"
uci set network.wan.password="${wan_pppoe_pass}"
[ -n "${ipv6}" ] && {
uci -q set network.wan.ipv6='0'
uci -q set network.wan.delegate='0'
config_get lan_ipaddr "$cfg" lan_ipaddr
config_get lan_netmask "$cfg" lan_netmask
test -n "${lan_ipaddr}" && test -n "${lan_netmask}" && {
uci set network.lan.ipaddr="${lan_ipaddr}"
uci set network.lan.netmask="${lan_netmask}"
config_get siderouter "$cfg" siderouter
config_get old_siderouter "$cfg" old_siderouter
config_get lan_gateway "$cfg" lan_gateway
config_get dhcp "$cfg" dhcp
config_get lan_dns "$cfg" lan_dns
config_get ipv6 "$cfg" ipv6
config_get old_ipv6 "$cfg" old_ipv6
config_get autoupgrade_pkg "$cfg" autoupgrade_pkg
[ "$dhcp" == "0" ] && dhcp="1"
if [[ "${lan_gateway}" != "$(uci -q get network.lan.gateway)" || "${dhcp}" != "$(uci -q get dhcp.lan.ignore)" ]]; then
if [ "${siderouter}" == "1" ]; then
uci -q set network.lan.gateway="${lan_gateway}"
[ -n "$lan_dns" ] || lan_dns=''
[ -n "$dhcp" ] && uci -q set dhcp.lan.ignore="1" || uci -q del dhcp.lan.ignore
uci -q set firewall.@zone[0].masq='1'
uci -q set network.wan.proto='none'
elif [ "${siderouter}" == "0" ]; then
uci -q del network.lan.gateway
uci -q del dhcp.lan.ignore
uci -q del network.lan.dns
uci -q del firewall.@zone[0].masq
uci -q set network.wan.proto='dhcp'
[ -n "$lan_dns" ] && {
[ "$(uci -q get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].noresolv)" == 1 ] && {
uci -q del dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].noresolv
uci -q set network.wan.peerdns='0'
uci -q set network.lan.dns="${lan_dns}"
} || {
uci -q del network.wan.peerdns
uci -q del network.lan.dns
if [ "${ipv6}" != "${old_ipv6}" ]; then
if [ -n "${ipv6}" ]; then
uci -q delete dhcp.lan.ra
uci -q delete dhcp.lan.dhcpv6
uci -q set network.lan.delegate='0'
uci -q set network.wan.ipv6='0'
uci -q set network.wan.delegate='0'
uci -q delete network.globals.ula_prefix
uci -q set dhcp.lan.ra='hybrid'
uci -q set dhcp.lan.dhcpv6='hybrid'
uci -q del network.lan.delegate
uci -q set network.wan.ipv6='auto'
uci -q del network.wan.delegate
uci -q set wizard.default.old_ipv6="${ipv6}"
local radio=$1
uci -q get wireless.${radio} >/dev/null 2>&1 && {
if [ "$(uci -q get wireless.${radio}.band)" = "5g" ]; then
uci -q set wireless.default_${radio}.ssid="${wifi_ssid}_5G"
uci -q set wireless.default_${radio}.ssid="${wifi_ssid}_2.4G"
uci -q set wireless.default_${radio}.device="${radio}"
if [ "${wifi_key}" ]; then
uci -q set wireless.default_${radio}.encryption='psk2'
uci -q set wireless.default_${radio}.key="${wifi_key}"
uci -q set wireless.default_${radio}.encryption='none'
config_get wifi_ssid "$cfg" wifi_ssid
config_get wifi_key "$cfg" wifi_key
config_get old_wifi_ssid "$cfg" old_wifi_ssid
config_get old_wifi_key "$cfg" old_wifi_key
if [[ "${wifi_ssid}" != "${old_wifi_ssid}" || "${wifi_key}" != "${old_wifi_key}" ]]; then
test -n "${wifi_ssid}" && {
for radio in radio0 radio1 radio2 radio3; do
wifi_setup_radio ${radio}
uci commit wireless
uci commit wizard
uci commit dhcp
uci commit firewall
uci commit network
/etc/init.d/network restart
/etc/init.d/dnsmasq reload)&
if [ "${autoupgrade_pkg}" != "1" ]; then
sed -i '/opkg-upgrade/d' /etc/crontabs/root
grep -q "opkg-upgrade" /etc/crontabs/root || {
hour="$(grep -m1 -ao '[4-6]' /dev/urandom | head -n1)"
min="$(grep -m1 -ao '[0-5][0-9]' /dev/urandom | head -n1)"
echo "$min $hour * * * . /etc/hotplug.d/online/51-opkg-upgrade >/dev/null 2>&1" >> /etc/crontabs/root
reconfig() {
uci -q set wizard.default.wan_proto="$(uci -q get network.wan.proto)"
uci -q set wizard.default.wan_pppoe_user="$(uci -q get network.wan.username)"
uci -q set wizard.default.wan_pppoe_pass="$(uci -q get network.wan.password)"
uci -q set wizard.default.lan_ipaddr="$(uci -q get network.lan.ipaddr)"
uci -q set wizard.default.lan_netmask="$(uci -q get network.lan.netmask)"
uci -q set wizard.default.lan_gateway="$(uci -q get network.lan.gateway)"
uci -q set wizard.default.lan_dns="$(uci -q get network.lan.dns)"
[ "$(uci -q get dhcp.lan.ignore)" ] && uci -q set wizard.default.dhcp="0" || uci -q del wizard.default.dhcp
uci commit wizard
start() {
config_load wizard
config_foreach add_wizard wizard
restart() {
XRELOAD=1 start