module("luci.controller.tasks-lib", package.seeall) function index() entry({"admin", "system", "tasks", "status"}, call("tasks_status")).dependent=false entry({"admin", "system", "tasks", "log"}, call("tasks_log")).dependent=false entry({"admin", "system", "tasks", "stop"}, post("tasks_stop")).dependent=false end local util = require "luci.util" local jsonc = require "luci.jsonc" local ltn12 = require "luci.ltn12" local taskd = require "luci.model.tasks" function tasks_status() local data = taskd.status(luci.http.formvalue("task_id")) luci.http.prepare_content("application/json") luci.http.write_json(data) end function tasks_log() local wait = 107 local task_id = luci.http.formvalue("task_id") local offset = luci.http.formvalue("offset") offset = offset and tonumber(offset) or 0 local logpath = "/var/log/tasks/"..task_id..".log" local i local logfd =, "rb") if logfd == nil then luci.http.status(404) luci.http.write("log not found") return end local size = logfd:seek("end") if size < offset then luci.http.status(205, "Reset Content") luci.http.write("reset offset") return end i = 0 while (i < wait) do if size > offset then break end nixio.nanosleep(0, 10000000) -- sleep 10ms size = logfd:seek("end") i = i+1 end if i == wait then logfd:close() luci.http.status(204) luci.http.prepare_content("application/octet-stream") return end logfd:seek("set", offset) local write_log = function() local buffer = logfd:read(4096) if buffer and #buffer > 0 then return buffer else logfd:close() return nil end end luci.http.prepare_content("application/octet-stream") if logfd then ltn12.pump.all(write_log, luci.http.write) end end function tasks_stop() local sys = require("luci.sys") local task_id = luci.http.formvalue("task_id") or "" if task_id == "" then luci.http.status(400) luci.http.write("task_id is empty") return end if"/etc/init.d/tasks task_del "..task_id.." >/dev/null 2>&1") ~= 0 then nixio.nanosleep(2, 10000000) end luci.http.status(204) end