Update 'root/etc/init.d/easymesh'

ben 11 months ago
parent 8bcc263866
commit a1020a7b15

@ -301,39 +301,9 @@ uci set network.lan.gateway=$dns
uci set system.@system[0].hostname=$gateway
# Configure LAN bridge and add ethernet interfaces to the bridge
# uci set network.lan.ifname='eth0 eth1 wan lan1 lan2 lan3' # Add ethernet interfaces and the kitchen sink here
uci set network.lan.ifname='eth0 eth1 wan lan1 lan2 lan3' # Add ethernet interfaces and the kitchen sink here
uci set network.lan.type='bridge'
# List of interfaces to ensure are part of the bridge
declare -a interfaces_to_check=('bat0' 'eth0' 'eth1' 'lan1' 'lan2' 'wan')
# Load the network configuration
config_load network
# Get the current list of bridge ports for 'br-lan'
config_get bridge_ports br-lan ports
# Convert the list to an array
IFS=' '
read -ra current_ports <<< "$bridge_ports"
# Function to check and add interface to br-lan if not present
add_interface_to_bridge() {
local interface=$1
if [[ ! " ${current_ports[*]} " =~ " ${interface} " ]]; then
# Interface not found in current bridge ports, add it
uci add_list network.br-lan.ports="$interface"
echo "Interface ${interface} added to br-lan."
echo "Interface ${interface} is already part of br-lan."
# Loop through each interface and check/add to bridge
for interface in "${interfaces_to_check[@]}"; do
add_interface_to_bridge "$interface"
# If you also need to configure the wireless network to be part of the bridge:
uci set wireless.default_$apall.network='lan' # Make sure the Wi-Fi is part of the lan network
