@ -108,10 +108,6 @@ EOF
yq eval ".detectors.coral.type = \"$type\"" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
yq eval ".detectors.coral.device = \"$coral\"" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
# Initialize cameras structure
yq eval ".cameras = {}" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
# Write each camera's configuration to config.yml
local camera_index=0
while : ; do
@ -119,45 +115,7 @@ EOF
local name=$(uci get frigate.@camera_config[$camera_index].name 2>/dev/null | tr ' ' '_')
# Exit loop if no more cameras are found
[[ -z "$name" ]] && break
# Retrieve the rest of the camera settings here...
local path=$(uci get frigate.@camera_config[$camera_index].path 2>/dev/null)
local roles=$(uci get frigate.@camera_config[$camera_index].roles 2>/dev/null)
local record=$(uci get frigate.@camera_config[$camera_index].record 2>/dev/null)
local snapshots=$(uci get frigate.@camera_config[$camera_index].snapshots 2>/dev/null)
local mask=$(uci get frigate.@camera_config[$camera_index].mask 2>/dev/null)
# Initialize camera structure
yq eval ".cameras.$name = {}" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
# Initialize ffmpeg and inputs for each camera
yq eval ".cameras.$name.ffmpeg = {}" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
yq eval ".cameras.$name.ffmpeg.inputs = []" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
# Add path and roles to the inputs
yq eval ".cameras.$name.ffmpeg.inputs[0].path = \"$path\"" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
yq eval ".cameras.$name.ffmpeg.inputs[0].roles = [\"detect\"]" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
# Add other camera settings
yq eval ".cameras.$name.detect = {}" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
yq eval ".cameras.$name.detect.width = 1280" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
yq eval ".cameras.$name.detect.height = 720" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
yq eval ".cameras.$name.record = {}" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
yq eval ".cameras.$name.record.enabled = $record" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
yq eval ".cameras.$name.snapshots = {}" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
yq eval ".cameras.$name.snapshots.enabled = $snapshots" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
# Check if the mask is not empty
if [ -n "$mask" ]; then
# Run the yq commands to update the YAML file
yq eval ".cameras.$name.motion = {}" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
yq eval ".cameras.$name.motion.mask = [\"$mask\"]" -i /opt/docker2/compose/frigate/config.yml
echo "Mask is empty, ignoring."
write_camera_to_yml $name
@ -320,7 +278,7 @@ update_camera_in_yml() {
sync_camera_config() {
echo "Starting sync_camera_config..."
echo "Syncing camera config..."
# Initializing the camera index
@ -339,10 +297,10 @@ sync_camera_config() {
[ -z "$camera_name" ] && break
if ! echo "$yml_cameras" | grep -q -w "$camera_name"; then
echo "Camera $camera_name not found in YML, adding..."
echo "UCI Camera $camera_name not found in YML, adding..."
write_camera_to_yml $camera_name
echo "Camera $camera_name found in YML, updating..."
echo "UCI Camera $camera_name found in YML, updating..."
update_camera_in_yml $camera_name